Detroit's Population Grows for the First Time Since 1957

USIG Staff - May 2024

After 66 years of decline, the tide is finally turning. Detroit’s population has officially grown for the first time since 1957. 

According to the latest U.S. Census Bureau estimates, Detroit gained 1,852 new residents from July 1, 2022, to July 1, 2023. With a total population of 633,218, Detroit ranks ahead of Memphis, Louisville, and Portland as the 26th most populous city in the United States. 

The surge in new residents can be attributed to rapidly emerging commercial and residential developments. Under the Mike Duggan administration, over 10,000 vacant houses have been renovated, and entire communities have been transformed through city government initiatives and public-private partnerships. These initiatives breathe life into up-and-coming neighborhoods throughout the city and bring exciting new opportunities for residents. 

In recent years, Detroit has also witnessed notable growth in blue-collar employment and a significant reduction in crime, two key factors that have propelled the city’s upward trajectory. In fact, Detroit's growth in 2023 outpaced every other city in Michigan.

Kurt Metzger, a demographer and director emeritus of Data Driven Detroit, believes the city's population may be even higher than the Census Bureau estimates. Metzger suggests that the population more likely falls within the range of 650,000 and 660,000. According to Metzger, increased construction and housing activity point to ongoing population growth that census estimates cannot fully capture. 

Looking ahead, the entire nation has its eyes on Detroit. Its recent record-breaking success as the host site of the 2024 NFL draft is a clear indicator of its revived public image. As new developments continue to emerge and the population continues to grow, Detroit's future is poised for prosperity.